“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” M. Montessori
Welcome to the Infants Page!
Nursery (Early Years 1) – Ms Primrose & Mr Davies, Mrs Roberts, Miss Parrish & Miss Jones
Infants 1 – Miss Ellis, Mrs Fewtrell, Mrs Comley
Infants 2 – Mrs Griffith, Miss Collett & Miss Jones
Infants 3 – Miss Barnes & Mrs Jones
Infants 4 – Miss Tinn & Miss Morris
Infants 5 – Mrs Dixon, Mrs Rushton, Mrs Bishop, Miss Henderson & Mrs Masarlova
Themes & Stories:
Autumn Term: Bookworms
Spring Term: There’s No Place Like Home
Summer Term: Superheros
Read, Write, Inc.: This term, we will start to send home books and/or activities with the children. Parents are encouraged to continue reading at home with their children. Lots of free books can be accessed on the internet/kindle.
Snack Money: We ask for a £1 donation each week to go towards snack money and we thank parents for their continued support. Payment can be made via the Parent Pay website: please telephone school if you need help with accessing the system.
Forest School: Please ensure that your child has an appropriate Forest School Kit in school: old trainers or wellies and old clothes suitable for the weather. As our Forest School Leader says, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothing.”
P.E. Sessions: please ensure your child has a PE Kit in school (Reception to Year 6) – plain white t-shirt and shorts (preferably black or navy blue) and pumps or trainers. Kits can remain in school for the half term in your child’s locker. Every item of clothing should be labelled please.
P.E. sessions will be planned on a weekly basis and may differ by day (according to the weather). We will be taking the children outside as long as the weather permits. Once the weather changes, the school hall will be used for lessons.
Nursery children do not have formal P.E. sessions (they have lots of outdoor play instead!)