Our Curriculum

We are excited about the introduction of the New Curriculum for Wales in September 2022.

We would like to share the following with you:

School Improvement … How are we getting on?

Planning for Improvement 2023

Our Curriculum

Page 1: All about Ysgol Heulfan

Page 2: Our Vision

Page 3: The Four Purposes

Page 4: Our Curriculum

Page 5: Areas of Learning and Experience at Ysgol Heulfan

Delivery of the Curriculum

Page 1: Delivery of our Curriculum: What makes our school special?

Page 2: Delivery of our Curriculum: Y Canol

Page 3: 12 Pedagogical Principles, assessment & feedback

Page 4: School Improvement

We hope you enjoy finding out more about our school and our curriculum.

Please contact us if you would like any further details.