Please meet our Criw Cymraeg!
As Criw Cymraeg, we have the following jobs:
- Promote a Welsh ethos at Ysgol Heulfan by encouraging learners and parents to speak Welsh as much as possible;
- Deliver the Phrase Cymraeg and assist during our Tuesday Welsh assembly;
- Implement Cymraeg Campus and gather evidence to achieve our school targets for our silver award.
The Phrase Cymraeg is ‘Ga i’
We would love to hear our Phrase Cymraeg from staff, parents and children in the classrooms, corridors and playground. (Don’t forget Mrs Thomas on the gate!)
It will be displayed in classrooms and around school and announced during service as and when it changes, so you wont forget what it is.
If you would like to get involved with your child’s Welsh here are some useful links.