Early Years: Reception/Year 1

The children are thoroughly enjoying our topic on ‘Lights, Camera, Action’. Our focus this last week and next week is on building characters and character descriptions. The children have produced some lovely pictures and discussed their favourite characters. Next week, we will be using our creative skills to design our own character. We will use applications on the iPads to build our own cars.  In ‘RWI’ and our language sessions, we have been focussing on learning a new sound each day. This is to recap the formations for each letter to ensure we are writing them correctly. Year 1 children have been focussing on their ‘red’ words.  In maths, we have been looking at ‘one more’ and addition. Next week, we will carry on with addition and recording sums in our maths books.  The children absolute love our P.E sessions and outdoor learning sessions. They are a real treat to end the week.  Have a lovely weekend.  Miss Edwards