Early Years: Reception/Year 1

This week, we have been very busy.  In ‘RWI’ we are continuing to learn all of our sounds and blend them together to read ‘cvc’ words.  In maths, we have been focussing on addition. The children have been using objects to find the answer to given sums. We have been discussing our maths targets and when we would used addition in the real world. The children will be able to show you their skills when out shopping or counting objects around the house.  As part of our topic, ‘Lights, Camera, Action’ we have designed our own characters and used different materials to make them. We had so much fun!! Next week, we are going to be looking at ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd) and in topic we will be looking at Disney and it’s location. If anyone in your family has ever been to Disney and would like to share some pictures, we would love to see them. Have a lovely weekend.  Miss Edwards