Early Years: Reception/Year 1

This week we have been very busy.  We have been focussing on ordinal numbers in our maths sessions and I am really impressed with how well the children have understood this concept. We have had running races, car races and even created our own exercise circuits. Next week, we are focussing on ordering numbers and place value.  We thoroughly enjoyed working with the older children as part of our ‘Super Learning Day’. We are really excited to create an advert with the children. Over the next few weeks we will be working alongside Year 5/6 to film our creations.  The children have created some fantastic work on the iPads this week, making brochures for Disneyland and locating Disneyland on the map. We found out all about ‘Walt Disney’ and created our own fact files using the Disney Castle. Next week, we are going to be creating our own race track. If the children have any materials at home they would like to bring in they can do so (boxes, tubes, bottle lids, craft supplies).  Have a lovely, warm weekend. Miss Edwards