Afternoon Nursery have had a wonderful start to our new half term!  The children have amazed me with how well they have remembered the numbers and shapes they had learnt previously – Da Iawn pawb! We started our week by doing some data collecting!  We chose our favourite topping for pancakes ( which of course we enjoyed for snack!), and produced a simple tally chart to show which was our class favourite – jam won unlike Morning Nursery where chocolate was the favourite!  We have been introducing ‘Super Speedy Sounds’ and this week we focused on ‘m, s, d, and t.  We did some more beautiful artwork based on Kandinsky – using paint, coloured paper, chalk and our bodies!

In Maths we introduced some basic 3D shapes – focusing on cylinders and cubes, we will continue looking at 3D shapes next week.  We explored whether they ‘roll’ or ‘slide’.  I would appreciate if you could support your child at home by going on a 3D shape hunt – toilet rolls and stock cube boxes are a good starting point, but I bet you can find lots more!   

It was so lovely seeing so many parents/grandparents yesterday – thank you so much for taking the time to visit us!

Next week we are starting our new topic about the ‘Ancient Egyptians’ – we are very excited!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

See you all on Monday.


Ms.Primrose xxxxx