We have had a lovely end to this half term – making lots of Easter cards and crafts.  Today has been such an exciting end to our week though – Miss. Sue ( ‘wellies in the woods’ lady!) came and helped us learn so many interesting things about all the beautiful birds that are in our gardens.  We had a bird quiz, did some lovely colouring and went outside on a scavenger hunt – we had to use all of our 5 senses for that!  We finished off our session by making apple bird feeders which we have hung up outside as an Easter treat for the birds in our playground. The children behaved beautifully for our special visitor – Da Iawn pawb I am so proud of you all!

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Easter break with your lovely families – Make lots of happy memories!

See you all on Tuesday 9th April!


Ms.Primrose xxxxx