We have had a lovely end to this half term. We have finished off our topic on ‘Space,’ which has been our favourite topic this year by far! We looked at the role of an astronaut – what s/he needs in Space and what they do when they are in Space. We shared a story about Space which was read by Tim Peake who was actually in Space when he was reading the story! The children were fascinated by the effects of ‘microgravity’ – floating books and hair! In Maths we mainly focused on ‘Number’, recognition, counting and ordering. We sang lots of number rhymes/songs and played games – I am so proud of everyone for wearing their ‘Maths goggles’ to do ‘Brilliant Numbers’! 😊
The children enjoyed being ‘Super Scientists’- investigating ‘Magnets’ – we used new words like ‘attract’ and ‘repel’ and began to understand what they meant.
Today we made a tasty treat for our snack – ‘Space’ biscuits!
I hope you all have a wonderful half term break and I look forward to seeing you again on Monday 6th June!
Ms.Primrose xxxx