We have had such a busy week but it’s been a lovely end to this half term!  We have so enjoyed learning about Poland for our topic.  This week we looked at a map of Europe and found both Wales and Poland  – we recognised the distance between us and the sea that is  in between.    Today we shared some Polish treats which were soft, chewy and sweet – I hope you can see from the children’s faces they were very much enjoyed!  In Maths we have continued to look at the topic of ‘Money’ – we looked at the value of coins (1p,2p,5p and 10p).  We matched the coins and then sorted them according to their value.  The children have also created the most beautiful ‘Kandinsky’ paintings and when we come back we are going to look at this famous artist in a little more detail.  All that is left for me now is to say how proud I am of each of these little Darlings and I hope you all have a lovely well-earned Half Term break.


Ms.Primrose xxxx