Juniors: Dosbarth Miss Williams

I am very pleased with the children’s attitude to learning this week. Year 6 had a successful trip to Danger Point on Monday and the Year 5s enjoyed their extra swimming session. The children have been trying new strategies in Maths when problem solving. We talked about the school calendar and in particular the positives and negatives about the summer holidays. We took part in a survey for the Commissioner for Wales, in light of the discussions about changing the school holidays in the future. The children had some very thoughtful opinions.  I am blown away with the children’s learning in Welsh. I am very proud of how hard they are trying to improve their oracy and conversational skills. Da iawn pawb! I look forward to completing further work on our lovely topic, All  Around the World and our country Greece next week.  Have a lovely weekend. Keep warm! See you Monday. Miss J Williams xx