Juniors: Dosbarth Miss Williams

We have had the best week this week! The children have been very focused and have had an excellent attitude to learning.  On Monday, Richard from Active Wrexham delivered a cricket taster session which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.  On Wednesday, we took part in our monthly matters challenge for March, set by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. We have submitted our opinions on school dinners and have made some super videos promoting our delicious dinners.  Yesterday, we celebrated World Book Day with Miss Edwards’s class. Ruby read the story, ” The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to all the children and then the children worked together in small groups to make some wonderful animations which retold the story. Today, we had an informative assembly about International Women’s Day. Afterwards, back in class, we made some powerful posters on Canva promoting the day. Mrs Ritchie always works so hard with the children. This week, she has enjoyed producing some beautiful things with each individual – thank you so much Mrs Ritchie. All will be revealed soon! Have a lovely weekend everybody and Happy Mother’s  Day to all our lovely mums. Enjoy your day. Miss J Williams xx