Juniors: Dosbarth Miss Williams

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and you enjoyed spending time with the children and your families.  The children are settling back into their routines here at school. We had a lovely catch up about Christmas and new year on Tuesday. They performed a poem about new year, in small groups, to the rest of the class. They were all fabulous! We enjoyed the entry point to our new topic, “All Around the World,” on Thursday. The children boarded flights with Jet 2 and flew to different countries. They particularly enjoyed visiting China, where they learned how to write their name in Chinese.  Today, they have enjoyed their first dance session with Amanda. They all worked really hard and were absolutely fabulous! I am thrilled about what they achieved in just one lesson. The sessions will continue all term, every Friday, until Easter. I look forward to watching their final performance.  Just a reminder that Year 6 are off to Danger Point on Monday and need a packed lunch unless they have ordered one from the canteen. Year 5 will be having an extra swimming session on Monday, whilst the Year 6 are on their trip. So, they will need their swimming kit. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing the children on Monday. Miss J Williams xx