Key Stage 2: Dosbarth Miss Williams

The children have had a very busy week again this week. Year 6 children had a visit from the Children’s University on Tuesday afternoon to explain about the exciting pilot we have been asked to take part in. We are all looking forward to the challenge of taking part in at least 30 hours of extra-curricular activities this academic year, to gain stamp codes, in order to graduate in 2024.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Ysgol Bryn Alyn on Wednesday morning where the children took part in various activities. We got to meet the Headteacher, Mrs Slinn and various staff members. Spanish and Science were the favourites, closely followed by English, P.E., Geography and Maths.  We have been practising our targets and I am so pleased with the number of children reading at home and practising their times tables. Ardderchog plant! Keep up the great work. I am so proud of you all.  Have a lovely weekend everybody. See you Monday. Miss J Williams xx