We are absolutely thrilled with our new fencing on the infants yard. This fencing will allow the children the freedom of accessing our indoor and outdoor provisions freely. The outdoor area can now be set up with our continuous provision activities, which will enhance the children’s learning and experiences. We are really excited for you to share the progress over the upcoming weeks of our next steps. We are looking forward to having a new canopy which will allow the children to experience the outdoors in all weathers – a skill vital for their development. We will be using some of the money that was raised on our non-school uniform day to purchase new resources for this exciting area. We will be opening the main gates to the yard at 2:50pm to allow for a better flow at pick up time. When you enter the yard, you will be able to wait behind the new fencing by your child’s class gate (on the fencing). Your child’s class teacher will open their gate (on the new fencing) at 3pm. Please stay behind the fence when collecting your child as we will direct them out. Thank you for your patience whilst we have been making these exciting changes! The infant staff can’t wait to get up and running! Many thanks.